Help Around The Camp

  • - What are the requirements before I can read your free papers?

    Before you can access the free papers, you must create an account and donate a paper of your own.

  • - I want to submit my own papers to this site, is that possible?

    Yes, if you are a member, you can submit your papers using the paper submission form. If you aren't a member, you will have to join before you can do this.

  • - How do I save an essay to my computer?

    Highlight all of the text in the essay by clicking the "highlight text" hyperlink or pressing the "Control+A" buttons on your keyboard. Then, open a new document in Microsoft Word or a similar program, and paste the text by pressing "Control+V." Save with a new title.

  • - I need to know the total number of pages in a free paper. How can I do it?

    A page usually contains about 250 words. Hence, a 500-word paper will have two pages.

  • - Are bibliographies standard for all of your free papers?

    Most, but not all of the free papers in our site have bibliographies.

  • - How will I know if what I am doing is considered plagiarism?

    If you copied a paper on our site and submitted it to your professor as if it is your own, then you are committing plagiarism. However, if you are just using our free papers for guidance on your own paper, then you don't have to worry about plagiarism.

  • - How can I recover my account details if I forgot them?

    Simply click on the Forgot Username or Password link for instructions on how to retrieve your account information.

  • - Can I withdraw my paper from your site?

    Yes you can. Go to our Contact Us page and give us the link to your own work that you want to remove from our site.

  • - I saw my paper listed in your site without my consent. Can I have it removed from your site?

    Definitely. Please contact us and read the instructions provided in item 21 on our Terms of Service page located at:

  • - Can I use the free papers on your site as a reference for my own papers?

    Yes. But please use proper citations. To know how to make proper citations for web documents, simply go to:

  • - Do you provide figures, pictures, charts or graphs for the free papers found in your site?

    No. We lose supplementary attachments to our free papers when a user submits them to us.

  • - Is there a fast way for me to search the free papers I want to read?

    Yes. You can always use our Search box to find the papers you want in a snap.