Adjusting to Terrorism

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Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 11/15/2013 04:23 AM

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The September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States changed the perspective on safety and the price of freedom. The Department of Homeland Security was created in response to these attacks and to this date faces challenges and criticism in the way they attempt to protect the citizens from future terrorist attacks. Unfortunately not every citizen adjusts positively to changes in policies and laws, but sometimes they are necessary to continue to enjoy some of the liberties we enjoy today. The Department of Homeland Security may face more criticism perhaps from more from foreign residents than from criticism if they follow through with the following administrative change recommended in this paper, but the citizens of the United States will see it as a positive improvement to current measures.

Administrative change

There is not a specific act to terrorism and some acts do not even involve weapons or bombs (Peak, 2010). What we do know is that involve people and some are foreign nationals. Currently the Department of Homeland Security faces the challenge not only to prevent the entry of illegal immigrants into the United States it is also tasked with preventing the entry of terrorists and their weapons of mass destruction into the country. However, laws and policies make this task difficult will thousands of visas granted to foreign nationals and exceptions to deportations to individuals of certain countries once apprehended as they attempt to enter the country illegally. Millions of dollars are invested to these issues in just processing these individuals and providing detention for them as these cases are addressed.

The proposal is to currently seize the issuance of visas and work permits to individuals without immediate family members who are citizens of the United States. This is to include to student visas, political asylum claims or work permits. Millions of dollars are spent each year processing these claims and they are gateways for foreign terrorists to...