Buteo Jamaicensis (the Hawk)

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Category: US History

Date Submitted: 11/30/2013 08:09 PM

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Buteo jamaicensis is the scientific name of the hawk. The major group hawks belong to is the bird. It has wings and feathers to fly and also has eyes on the sides of its head, to see all around. These are all characteristics of birds. It is different from other birds because they make their living by hunting, killing, and eating live animals. Hawks evolved from raptors known as birds of prey. Raptors also include groups such as eagles and falcons. From their sharp hooked beaks to tear the flesh of their prey to the deadly sharp curved toenails used to catch their prey, these spectacular birds are popular to watch in how they make their homes in the world. Hawks hunt mainly for meals and hunt daily or every few days depending on their appetite and size of their prey. They rely mostly on their sharp eyesight for hunting. Therefore, they almost always hunt in the daylight and usually begin soon after daybreak. They watch their prey from a high perch. Once the hawk spots its prey, it swoops down and snatches it up. The prey doesn't recognize the danger until it's too late. In warm climates, hunting time may be only one to two hours. In colder weather, when there is limited prey, they can hunt between five to seven hours. Hawks mainly prey on rodents but, also eat other organisms such as insects, birds, rabbits, squirrels, and snakes. Hawks live in every habitat in North America except in the high artic and long dense forests. They live in both open and wooded areas. Some hawks are even known to live near people. For example, red-tailed hawks, Harris’s hawks, and Cooper’s hawks are common residents in Tucson, Phoenix and other urban areas of Arizona. For water supply, hawks scoop up water from rivers or streams with their beaks tilting their heads back to drink. Other water sources are fountains, pools, and even birdbaths where their prey can gather. Shelter for hawks can include high perches and tree branches that are a good view for hunting. Some hawks build...