Disaster Recovery Plan

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Disaster Recovery Plan

Disaster Recovery Plan

In recent years, organizations have witnessed the impact of having effective and non-effective business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans. In today’s environment, with significant potential natural disasters, terrorist threats, and other man-made threats, it is critical that organizations develop effective business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans.

Selection and Design

This document will describe the network of a typical University and is written as a disaster recovery policy plan for that system. The intention of this plan is to make guide the recovery of the services necessary for the continuation of school business as soon as possible.

University Goals and Objectives


The vision of the University of Computer Information Systems is to equip our graduates with the knowledge and expertise to contribute significantly to the CIS industry and to apply techniques learned toward continued growth.

Mission Statement

* To provide the environment and educational experiences that will enable our students to achieve their educational goals, and to be successful in the workplace and/or successful in graduate school.

* To provide our students with the desire and the ability for long-term learning that will be necessary in the changing field of computer information systems.

* To provide our students with a basis for ethical behavior, conduct, and responsibility for computer information systems professionals.

* To conduct scholarly research in computer information systems and related fields.

* To provide professional service to the university and regional community

Educational Objectives

The University of Computer Information Systems has the following Program Educational Objectives for all CIS graduates:

Within a few years after graduation - our computer science graduates will:

Meet the expectations of future employers of CIS graduates by having...