State and Federal Homework

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Date Submitted: 03/13/2014 06:28 PM

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State and Federal Homework

There are many elements of the state and federal government that unite them. The greatest element of the federal and state governments is freedom of expression and liberty. Citizens of the United States all have the opportunity to exhibit the right of expression such as freedom of speech. Not only are these rights specifically given to citizens through the federal Constitution but also through a states legislature as a reassurance to citizens that they are protected everywhere. Another example is the right to bear arms, although this is already stated in the Constitution, in order to assure the citizens of the state they reside in this amendment will again be listed under the state Constitution. On the other side there are some elements of the state and federal government that oppose one another. The most opposed element between the federal and state government is the rights of the citizens to act upon the government if the citizens feel it is unfit. In NH there are many amendments that have been enacted in the state’s Constitution that allow for the citizens to revolt or act against the states government if the citizens deem it unfit. This is so the citizens feel comfortable with their government and being able to take it over if there is a general consensus if need be the case. However, these amendments are not found federally. The way the federal handles the people of the United States ideas is by allowing them to vote for their leader, this way the citizens of the country get a vote but are unable to completely overthrow the government.