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Date Submitted: 03/18/2014 03:54 PM

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The history and evolution of the tourism sector in the UK after the Second World War


The history of tourism sector in United kingdom has a drastic development after the Second World War II and now today the tourism Industry has expanded to be one of the world's largest industries. This industry is very disintegrate with vast range of services, products and satisfied the customer needs and more than 1.7 million employees are contributing in the UK tourism industries (Caines,1997). Tourism is a very complicated industry due to the services provided to the tourist based on their special needs therefore according to the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) classifies tourism as a constitute activities of an individual travelling with the intention of leisure, business or other reason by accommodating themselves and escaping from their usual environment for not more than one continuous year. In order to understand the history and the development of tourism industry after the post-world war II era this paper will discover the factors that have had an impact on the needs of the tourist and the relevant body which was involve in the 21st century, and how the modification of the tourism industry changes of technology taken place. This essay will be divided into three segment, first it will explain the background history of tourism development after the second world war II, secondly it will describe the difference of fordist and post-fordist tourism and how this two element has an influential impact on package holidays and evolution on mass production in the UK tourism market, on the final part of the essay will discuss the advancement of current trend which has facilitated the tourist from different parts of the world or city with more accessibility service of technology advancement in tourism industry.

Background History of tourism industry in UK before and after the Second World War II

The history of tourism is difficult trace during the ancient...