Tesc - Soc-304 Final Project - Change to Schedule Ii

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Category: Societal Issues

Date Submitted: 04/25/2014 04:27 PM

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Why the Change to Schedule II

Mentor: Lisa Brown


Three schedule I drugs in particular are to be discussed in contrast and comparison in many ways regarding the positives and negatives if all is any of either. These three in particular are "Marijuana", "Ecstasy(MDMA)" and "Heroin"; all three are currently notoriously well known narcotics due to heavy illicit "street" use from personal experience and/or the media. Being that they are all listed as schedule I states that there is currently no positive outcome from the use of such narcotics regardless of their nature, but this may be a very extreme categorization due to the fact that there may be many different beneficial uses for one or more of these three schedule I narcotics. A brief explanation into the "Scheduling" of narcotics comes from the "Controlled Substance Act" which is dynamically managed by the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Food and Drug Administration to determine which narcotics are placed under which particular scheduling according to their potential for abuse, but along with their potential for use in the medical field.

The first to be discussed and one of the most well known for the dangers of use ranging from small short term amounts to greater long term amounts of use is known as "Ecstasy" or "MDMA". According to the U.S. governments justice website it states that " MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also known as ecstasy) is a synthetic (man-made) drug that causes both hallucinogenic and stimulant effects. The drug was developed in Germany in the early twentieth century as an appetite suppressant, but today’s users consume the drug for its hallucinogenic effects, which they claim heighten their senses and make them feel less inhibited. Users also consume MDMA for its stimulant properties, which enable them to dance for hours at all-night parties and nightclubs.". Even though this is a similar description of what one might already expect to hear about...