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Words: 388

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Category: English Composition

Date Submitted: 06/12/2014 11:14 AM

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In no period since man began recording history has technology advanced as rapidly as in the last fifty years. Of all of the recent technological advancements in the United States, none has made as great of an impact as the internet. The practical applications are boundless. The internet has helped Americans become more educated, live more safely, become better connected and networked, increase business productivity, and generally improve every facet of life.

There were no navigation units in vehicles before the internet. If I was planning to go somewhere unfamiliar, I had to plan out my trip with a road atlas. I would then be required to read through my route manually until I reached my destination. It was cumbersome and unsafe. The advent of the internet allows me to just type in an address and listen as I make each turn. This has allowed Americans to drive more safely and with fewer distractions.

The ability for students to research various topics has improved tremendously since the internet burst onto the scene. When I was in grade-school, I had to spend countless hours in a public library for research projects. Nowadays, thanks to the internet, all of the information in the world is at my fingertips! Since this information is so easily accessible, Americans are able to get more from each hour invested in learning. I find myself spending even more hours learning since I can from the comfort of my own home.

I work in the recruitment industry. In the days before the internet, it was nearly impossible to find targeted professionals outside of industry conferences. The internet has made it possible for companies to increase profitability by hiring experienced people that can be productive from the first day. Industry networking sites like LinkedIn have made it possible to network with people of all walks of life. The increased connectivity has created opportunities and improved the lives of countless Americans.

There has been much technological advancement...