The Memphis Sanitation Strike of 1968

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Date Submitted: 06/16/2014 12:47 PM

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The Memphis Sanitation Strike of 1968 |

The Strike that Changed Civil Rights in America |


Stacy E. Wimmer |

5/14/2014 |

Webster University

This paper was prepared for HRMS 5930 Labor Relations taught by Professor King |


The Memphis Sanitation Strike of 1968 is one of the most well-known strikes and civil rights issues in American history. It is also one of the most prominent events in the labor movement. This strike is considered a defining moment in the history of collective bargaining rights for public employees. However, it does not stand alone in Memphis history. In 1939, the black dock workers strike was one of the first strikes held. It eventually led to higher wages, a decreased work-week and time- and-one-half for overtime work. The organizer, Tom Watkins was arrested and eventually run out of town. In 1946, the AFL Teamsters strike at Greyhound Bus Company had the potential to involve black and white workers together. In the 1948 Nicky Brothers Lumber Company strike, African American workers received critical support from white workers. Lastly, in 1967, Firestone workers won the right to sit where they pleased, meaning black and whites could sit together at lunch and in company meetings. All of these actions show how often organized labor issues in Memphis history were hand in hand with civil rights issues.

The civil rights movement in America in the 1960s became a catalyst for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act formally ended segregation based on race; however, the Act did not end discrimination in America, or in the South, nor did it end in Memphis, Tennessee.

Civil rights issues in the South were largely ignored until the 1960s when black Americans started taking a stand against discrimination, poor treatment, unfair living and working conditions, educational issues and unequal treatment. The Memphis Sanitation Strike of 1968 was one of the most important issues of this time. The strike took place...