Body Fat and Eating Disorders Paper

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Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 07/06/2014 08:52 PM

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Jordan Redding




* Body composition is basically the body’s relative amount of fat to fat-free mass. People with good body composition are usually healthier, able to move more easily and efficiently, and in general, feel better than those with not as good body composition. Achieving a more optimal body composition goes a long way toward improving your quality of life and overall wellness. Body composition is divided into two separate types of mass. Fat-free mass which is made up of all of the body’s non-fat tissues and body fat. Fat-free mass includes bone, water, muscle, and tissues. Body fat is literally fat located within the body. Some fat is necessary for overall health; it helps protect internal organs, provides energy and regulates hormones that perform various functions in body regulation. Though high percentage of body fat can have a negative effect on your overall well-being: Excess fat has been linked to numerous health problems such as increased risk for diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Having excess fat, specifically surrounding the internal organs, can damage your health and contribute to serious medical conditions such as liver disease.

* I believe it has something to do with the food that is currently being made. A generation or two go there weren’t as many fast food places or as much fatty foods that is available back than as they are now. While it is easier to eat when a person is in a rush or on the go but they are usually not healthy to eat often, but due to have easy it is to get them people are often compelled to eat them more often. Some people eat them some much it causes them to be overweight.

* High percentage of body fat can have a negative effect on your overall well-being: Excess fat has been...