Cell Phone Usage While Driving

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Category: English Composition

Date Submitted: 11/06/2014 11:01 AM

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Cell phone usage (other than hands free) while driving should be illegal in all states and yield higher penalties for those guilty of it.

I. Because it is an unnecessary compromise to safety

1) Contributes to one of the leading causes of unintentional death and injury—motor vehicle collisions.

2) Drivers who use a handheld device are four times more likely to get into a crash serious enough to cause injury.

II. Because it takes focus away from driving and staying vigilant on the road

1) Driver distraction is responsible for up to 80% of motor vehicle collisions, and cell phone use is becoming a prevalent mode of distraction.

2) Because text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver, it is by far the most alarming distraction.

III. Because too many people do it and cause far too many accidents

1) Surveys show that up to 80% admit to texting while driving.

2) At any given moment during the daylight hours, over 800,000 vehicles in the U.S. are being driven by someone using a handheld cell phone.

IV. Because there is no valid reason that a call or text can’t wait

1) Experts say the urge to reach for the phone behind the wheel is just as intense as anywhere else, standing in line or at the dinner table. But when behind the wheel, it’s a matter of life and death.

2) Individuals can improve their personal safety by choosing not to use phones while driving.

Objection: Cellular phones in cars provide important conveniences, including the ability to check on children, get help in an emergency, and coordinate schedules. In addition, drivers sometimes use cellular phones to report accidents and alert police and firefighters to problems that need to be addressed.

Counterargument: Although there are some valid reasons to “posses” a cell phone in your vehicle while driving, these reasons don’t prevent you from pulling over first and then using your cell phone. While driving, your focus needs to solely on...