Ch. 28 Focus Questions

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Carmen Maria von Unrug

Apush ch. 28 focus questions

Progressivism began in state reforms of early 1890s, and it then acquired national momentum with Theodore Roosevelt and his involvement. Middle class reformers were eager to adjust to the changing times, and then progressivism changed through Wilson and Taft’s involvement. World War I marked the end of the movement.

Just three years after Lochner, in the Muller case, the Court upheld a maximum hours law for women. Muller vs. Oregon was seen as a victory for both progressivism and women’s rights because it upheld the constitutionality of laws granting special protection to women in the workplace.

Control of Corporations, Consumer Protection, and Conservation of Natural Resources. They were implemented by Roosevelt’s establishment of the national parks and national parks system, his enactment of laws to protect the consumers, and restrictions upon the corporations.

They differed because in being Roosevelt's hand picked successor, Taft's progressive reformers believed him to be one of their own, but he was also known to be a moderate jurist (an expert in the science or philosophy of law). Conservatives expected him to abandon Roosevelt's aggressive use of Presidential powers. Taft also had little regard for conservation which caused a big controversy. Roosevelt split off from the Republican party later on to challenge Taft with his “bull-moose” party. Thus, this caused turmoil and conflict between the parties.

Whereas Theodore Roosevelt had employed “Big Stick” diplomacy to bend weaker nations to his will, William Howard Taft preferred to use money as leverage. Taft believed that he could convince smaller, developing nations to support the United States by investing American dollars in their economies. “Dollar Diplomacy,” as pundits dubbed it, not only made allies but also made money for American investors.

Taft put his new policy to the test in Manchuria, where he offered to purchase and develop the...