Allocated Work to Team Members

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Words: 11473

Pages: 46

Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 08/04/2015 04:54 AM

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* Defined project and written a summary of roles

* Developed work plans

* Allocated work to team members

* Developed set of performance standards & performance indicators

* Discussed performance standards, performance indicators and Code of Conduct with team

* Conducted a risk analysis of the project

* Defined project and written a summary of roles

Allocate work

“Allocate work in a way that is efficient, cost effective and outcome focussed”

As a manager, you are provided with a certain budget for staffing based on the staffing levels that you or a previous manager anticipated when originally submitting targets and resource requirements for inclusion in the Operational Plan. You must keep within the limits of this budget when making any decisions with regard to staffing and workflow.

Bear in mind that labour is often the most expensive element in an organisation’s operation, so it is imperative that you not only consult widely and organise the tasks within your work programme in a structured way, but that you allocate work wisely in order to make the best use of the human resources at your disposal. This means you must take extra care when deciding which tasks from your work programme need to be allocated to which staff members.

Allocating work haphazardly or in a reactive way is a huge waste of an organisation’s resources and is very counter-productive given that you and your staff member have a responsibility to achieve specific goals within designated periods.

You cannot always hire extra people just because your work plans are not functioning effectively, and if you make un wise decisions with regard to the allocation of work, you may find it difficult to keep within budget and this will no doubt have a negative impact on your team’s ability to achieve its organisation goals.

The nature of the tasks required to be performed in any given workplace can vary dramatically, which means that one of the best ways to...