Exit Through the Gift Shop

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Words: 435

Pages: 2

Category: Literature

Date Submitted: 03/13/2016 12:34 PM

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In this piece of art, there is a girl swinging on a swing. Banksy created a swing from the “park” in “parking”. This graffiti is in a parking place. The “park” is in bold bright red, while the “ing” is in a faded red that is much less noticeable. Banksy tried to put the focus of attention on the park. The swing set is just like one would find in a normal park. On the park there is a young girl swinging. She is wearing a black dress and her eyes are closed. She seems really relaxed as she would be in a normal park in nature. Maybe the girl has her eyes closed to pretend that she is in nature instead of a parking space. The girl seems comfortable. Banksy turned a place that has to do with cars into an art that represents nature.

Normally, parking is associated with cars, urban cities, and pollution. On the other hand, parks are associated with nature, the environment, and peacefulness. The graffiti is placed in a parking place. Cars are parked in parking places. Cars pollute and damage the environment. Parking is a place that is involved with damaging the planet. Banksy turned this urban place to represent a peaceful park. The swing is representing a swing one would find in nature. A swing like one in a playground or park. Something that is environmental friendly. Parks are places found in nature. They are beautiful, peaceful places. I think Banksy is trying to say that caring for the environment is more important than all these man-made creations, such as cars. His intention is to transform this urban place into a park that is natural and peaceful. His intended audience are people that are using cars and parking them in these parking places. I think Banksy wants people to start thinking about their environment and the consequences pollution can bring to the planet. banksy wants people to realize that nature is beautiful and much more important. This piece could be trying to convince people to stop damaging the Earth and start caring for nature and the...