Recruiting, Selection & Orientation

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Assignment on: Recruiting, Selection & Orientation


Recruitment and selection is the process of identifying the need for a job, defining the requirements of the position and the job holder, advertising the position and choosing the most appropriate person for the job.

Factors affecting our recruiting efforts:

* Size- Our recruiting effort will primarily depend upon the size of our organization. In other words we would be recruiting as per the demand of our lounge. Initially, we would be starting off with 4 managers, 1 accountant, 4 waiters, 2 chefs, 2 game assistants, 2 cleaners and 1 security guard. So, this makes a total of only 16 members in working staff. But if we see that our business is booming and our organization is in need of expansion then definitely we would recruit more people. Hence, size will play primary role in our recruiting efforts.

* Employment conditions- Our recruiting efforts will also depend upon the employment conditions that persist in the local community in which we will be operating in. We would start our business at Bashundhara and if there is a shortage of the kind of workers we require, then, the salary charged by the able workers in such a location would be high. So, as the salary charge would be high, and then we could only afford a small number of working staff. But on the other hand, if our desired workers are quite available in (XXX), then, the salary charged by them would be low and we could afford more employees. This how our recruiting efforts will be affected by employment conditions at Bashundhara.

* Working conditions and salary benefit packages- If the working conditions and the salary package that we would be offering at our lounge is very good and is appreciated by our employees, then this would positively affect our turnover. Our business would boom and with the additional turnover we can also afford more employees. On the contrary, if the working conditions and...