Scavenger Hunt

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Date Submitted: 06/10/2012 07:24 PM

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Life Resource Scavenger Hunt

1. What are the two ways that students may receive counseling services through the LRC? The two ways you may receive counseling services are over the phone or in person.

2. What heading are the Health Tools and Health Challenges found under? The health tools and health challenges is found under the heading thriving.

3. Where is the Assess Your Health tool located? The assess your health tool is located under heading thriving and select health tools located under thriving drop down window.

4. What are the five categories on the Live Healthy Page? The five categories on live healthy page are How healthy are you, lifestyle change, physical fitness, prevention and screening, and tips for healthy living.

5. Where can resources and articles about good nutrition be found on the LRC? You can find articles about good nutrition under thriving tab select healthy eating.

6. What are three of the health topics that can be found on the LRC? Three health topics that can be found on LRC are children’s health, men’s health and women’s health.

7. What are two categories found under the Medical Care heading? Dental care and Health consumer tips can be found under medical care heading.

8. Where on the LRC would a person find information on addiction and recovery? You can find addiction and recovery under the heading balancing.

9. Where on the LRC would a person find information about health issues related to aging? You can find this information under the thriving tab select senior’s health.

10. What are three psychosocial health topics that are available on the LRC? You can find this under the balancing tab select either personal growth, communications, or relationships.