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Words: 1494

Pages: 6

Category: Societal Issues

Date Submitted: 08/19/2012 07:21 PM

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The intention of this paper is to educate society on the disease known as scleroderma.

Doctor’s and many scientists are on a quest to learn more about this debilitating disease, and

how they can prevent or cure this disease. Since most research suggest that scleroderma affects

adults, how does it affect children? Do adults and children suffer the same symptoms? According to published research there are more than 300,000 people that suffer from this disease, and it is on the rise, anyone can have this disorder and but it is more prevalent in people from the ages of 25 to 55. Organizations such as; the Arthritis and Scleroderma Foundations along with the American College of Rheumatology, and many other non-profit based entities are highly motivated and determined to help educate people and their families that are suffering with this ailment. In conclusion this paper will give people a better understanding of what this disease is and the underlying problems associated with it, so they can prepare themselves and family members for the outcomes.


Your skin is the largest organ that your body has. When we look at skin all we see is something that covers and protects our body and organs. However, “skin can be very hard to understand, it has a tendency to repair itself, acting as a very large nerve that can sense heat, cold, pain, touches, and pressure” (Swann, 2010). Since the scleroderma disease damages your skin and organs, how do people cope with scleroderma? How do people know that they have this dreaded disease? What steps are being taken to help suffers fight off this disease? The disease scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) is a fairly rare disease that researchers have not yet found a cure for. Scleroderma can cause severe damage to skin and internal organs. This disease has been characterized into two major types localized and systemic.

Types of Scleroderma

This disease has been...