Why Do Teens Use Tobacco?

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Category: Societal Issues

Date Submitted: 09/01/2012 07:51 PM

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Why Do Teens Use Tobacco?

Teens use tobacco because of peer pressure, to be part of a group, or to be cool. Family, media, and friends are the main reason of tobacco use. Back then people smoked in many places such as restaurants, airplanes, and at work. Now these places restrict the use of tobacco because of its harmful effects to the body. Nicotine is an addictive chemical in tobacco products. There are different types of tobacco like chewing tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and snuff. These types of tobacco have different uses but they have the same harmful effects. Tobacco can affect many places in your body like your lungs and heart. A substance is formed when tobacco is burned which is called tar. Tar has short-term and long-term effects. First of all short-term effects are stained teeth, bad breath, smelly hair and clothes. Teens use tobacco to be cool that is a problem because tobacco use is very dangerous. Teens watch advertisements and see people smoking and they have a feeling that they want to do it.

Family also influence teens to use tobacco because if someone in your home smokes you might think it is right because someone in your family is smoking. Friends are the main cause. Let’s say if a friend is smoking on campus and offers you some, of course you are going to say no the first time but they start offering until you give in and say yes. Friends use peer pressure to drag you in tobacco use. Teens smoke because they fall for it, they don’t know the dangers of tobacco. They don’t know that they can get many types of diseases. They should not try tobacco all they have to do is say no.