Related Literature Local System of Viewing Grades

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Pages: 8

Category: Literature

Date Submitted: 09/26/2012 07:01 AM

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Background of the Study

In this fast pacing world today, it is undeniable that technology plays a very vital role in keeping up with pace. The rapid advancement in this field has been revolutionizing the way we live our daily lives by tearing down the horizons and eventually eradicating those completely. With the borderless shown by this field, what we have today is just merely a glimpse of what is to come in the future. As the new generation of the people who are aiming to exhaust and utilize more possibilities in this field that are yet to be unleashed, we come up with an idea of a Computer-Based Viewing of Schedule and Grades for the Holy Redeemer School that will provide an accurate and efficient system that will help the faculty members.

The applicant and most especially the school itself, Holy Redeemer School opened first time on 1998. As the time passes, the school continues to grow; the teachers are having a hard time in recording grade due to increased in enrolled students every year. To be able to improve the school’s system to a computer based system. This system will aid the existing problem in using the manual system. The possibility of human error in recording manually is caused by data redundancy. Added problem is the records are important and because of that, data are needed to be stored safely and properly, but the existing system doesn’t have biometrics to fully protect the records. They store grades of a student on a class record book. This doesn’t assure that the files are safely stored. In our proposed system, the grades are properly stored in a compact database and it has security that will help the school protect the student’s grades. And also, the system will help the students update about their grades on a computer where the program will be installed. It will guide them on how to manage their time so they can focus on their subjects that are difficult for them to understand. What motivates the researcher are the...