American Business

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 01/16/2013 10:52 PM

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Topic: American Business


I. The characteristics of America business

II. owHow business competition reinforces other value

III. The prestige of business and the dream of getting rich

IV. Two kinds of American business heroes

V. America business in the global marketplace

VI. The changing of America workforce

VII. Comparison with Vietnam business

I. The Characteristics of America Business

To understand the meaning of American business, it is essential to become familiar with two words: private and profit. In America, businesses are directly or indirectly owned and operated by private individuals (or groups of individuals) in order to make profit. Besides that, American Business also has other characteristics.

* Direct Communications

A straight forward, direct form of communication is highly valued in American Business.  Americans take pride in saying what they mean, and meaning want they say.  No means no in the boardroom.  Having this belief system, American business people expect the same of their foreign counterparts.

* Time is Money

How often have we heard this cliché of "Time is Money"?  This concept has been interwoven into American Business Culture.  Time is a commodity.  American businesses try to improve efficiencies in their operations by saving time on completing tasks.  American business people want to be punctual in getting projects completed on time or ahead of schedule.  Unlike other business cultures which put less value on time, Americans want to start and finish their meetings on time.

* American Optimism

Although the level of optimism various according to the state of the economy, Americans typically are very optimistic about their businesses and future.  It is no wonder.  The American economy is driven by small businesses created by those with the American dream.  If you work hard and follow the rules, you will succeed.  You control your own destiny. Many of these small business...