The Intricacies of Anger

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Category: Spirituality

Date Submitted: 03/14/2013 02:32 AM

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Sinful anger is always done from selffish motives. Godly anger is done to love someone and correct,protect and insensify the message of truth sometimes, but always done in love for the edification of the body of Christ or someone else.

I often suggest that people write their rebuke before trying to speak it. It may go something like this: "I've got something that has been bothering me. In fact, I guess I would have to say I'm feeling angry. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the situation, but when you have an opportunity, I'd like to talk with you about it."

Such a statement reveals where you are, openly reveals your anger, and requests an opportunity to process it with the person involved. You have acknowledged up front that your perception may be imperfect, but at any rate, you want to get the issue resolved.

This gives the person an opportunity to share with you information that you may not be aware of or to explain his motives in what he did or said or to clearly admit to you that what he did was wrong and to ask your forgiveness.

we are to process anger quickly, not allowing it to linger inside beyond sunset. I suppose that if we get angry after dark, he would give us till midnight, but the principle is that anger is not to be held inside;

All of us experience anger. But holding anger inside by denying, withdrawing, and brooding is not the Christian response to anger.

Bitterness is the result of stored anger