Pros on Medication

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Pros On ADHD Treatment

I. The big question for many people is should use non-stimulant or stimulated drugs on my child for their ADHD disorder to help them behave and do better in school.

1. To medicate or not to medicate?

2. Medication is always a beneficial option in ADHD treatment, it helps to suppress hyperactivity, improve focus, and academic performance.

3. While others may state that medications for ADHD have too many side effects, almost every medication has them and there are many different ADHD treatments to choose from.

4. As more treatments are discovered for ADHD, its manageability has improved drastically.

5. Medication has improved the ability of those with ADHD to succeed academically, socially, and personally.

II. ADHD medications benefit many things such as school and at home behavior.

1. The majority of medications improve academic performance and grade point average.

2. Both amphetamines and methylphenidates improve focus and recollection which makes for an optimal studying and test-taking atmosphere.

3. “Both amphetamines and methylphenidates were equally likely to be helpful in all areas with the exception of behavior at school, where amphetamines were rated as slightly more helpful.” (2)

4. This quote enforces the validity of the statement that ADHD medication improves academic performance.

5. Not only their behavior improves but academic performance improves as well.

III. Medication is helpful as reported in a survey taken from parents and children.

1. Parents reported positive outcomes from using amphetamines or methylpheniates others have not.

2. “Medication has to do with managing behavior in a variety of different circumstances” states Dr. Ravitz.

IV. When medications are used they drastically improve socialization when dealing with ADHD.

1. Besides doing well in school the child also needs to socialize at camps or with family and friends.

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