Snap Selling

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SNAP Selling

Every time someone does a survey of small business owners, it seems the issues that always bubble to the top of what we’re interested in are generating leads and finding new customers. That’s why I’ve reviewed so many sales books recently.

First there was SHiFT, where we learned how important it is to analyze the successful sales we’ve made and identify the trigger events that get our prospects to actually buy. Then I reviewed Selling to the C-Suite because I know how many of us need to connect with the top dog if we want to get the sale.

There is another important trend that I’ve been watching since I reviewed The 24-Hour Customer and that is the idea of the “time-strapped” customer. Today’s marketplace is an environment where getting to the right customer at the right time is a critical success factor.

So today, I’m reviewing SNAP Selling and how to win more business from frazzled customers. I was excited to receive this book from the publisher because it fit so nicely into my new interest in being at the right place at the right time to make the sale.

SNAP Selling at a Glance

Are you part of the “frazzled” customer group that Jill Konrath (@Jillkonrath) is talking about?

Does complexity make you overwhelmed and then cause you to shut down?

Do you subscribe to the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” philosophy?

Do you think making risky decisions can hurt your career?

When it comes to deciding, do all your options look the same?

Do you often wonder if the people you’re talking to really know what they’re talking about?

Today’s buyers (no matter what the industry) have access to nearly perfect information over the Internet and they begin every sales interaction from a position of relative apathy or downright distrust.

Jill Konrath has been watching this trend for a while. Her name may be familiar to you because she wrote the book Selling to Big Companies. She’s a sales strategist and speaker whose clients include IBM,...