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Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 05/23/2013 06:14 PM

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Save a cash register receipt from a shopping trip to the market, or borrow one from a family member or friend. The cost of four prepackaged food items that are sold by weight and the cost of at least three fresh fruits, or vegetables need to appear on the receipt. If you have no access to a receipt with these items, then you will need to go to the store and write down the cost information, or find a grocery advertisement online.

Fruits and vegetables are sold by the pound. Add up your prices per pound for the fruits and vegetables and find the average cost per pound. Locate the weight of your prepackaged food items. Add up all the weights for your prepackaged items in ounces, and then add up all of the costs for your four prepackaged items. From the totals , find the average cost per ounce of prepackaged items. Convert your results to cost per pound. Now, compare the cost per pound of unprocessed food compared to prepackaged processed food..

Vegetables and Fruits

cluster tomatoes $1.79

potatoes lb bag $2.75

oranges $1.79

apples $ 2.99

Add and average the price fruits and vegetables per cost.


Average cost $2.33 per pound

The average price of the fruits and vegetables is about to be exactly $2.33. This was solve by adding the overall total of items and then divide to an average of pounds.

Prepackaged Foods

slice bologna 16oz $1.08

cornflakes 12oz $3.99

rice 16oz $3.99

slice bacon 12oz $2.99



calculate the amount and find the prepackaged average the cost per pound.

Average cost: 0.21 per ounce To round off (0.22/oz) x(16oz 1 pound)=3.52

Comparison of Unprocessed and processed Foods


Processed food generally cost more and provide not enough healthy nutrients. Yet cheaper to purchase processed food but, natural or organic is more overall need to yield to more nutrition with the cost of food in today prices in the market of the economy....