Favirote Teacher

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Date Submitted: 09/09/2013 05:50 PM

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Favorite Teacher or worst teacher

According to Webster's dictionary, a teacher is one whose occupation it is to instruct. Most

students in school would expect just this to be instructed and learn. Growing up in a small town in

Florida school was never very high on my priority list. I simple skated by and enjoyed my time with

my friends and did just enough to make it through, that was except in one class. Coach Richards to

most students at my high school was a passionate and inspiring teacher. While most teachers,

especially those that were coaches, not instructing at all and letting all students slide by he demanded

more from you for the few hours that you were in his class. It was easy to see how passionate he

was about his work, American Government somehow became transformed into this whole new

subject that enthralled everyday of my Senior year. He seemed to always ask or bring up the perfect

question that would strike my interest and make me want to know more about. I remember at time

going home after school and sitting down with my parents talking over politics and wanting to know

more about why a certain thing was going or why a decision had been made. I even went so far as

to apply for a job at the state attorneys office so I could be around higher educated people to learn as

much as I possible could. To say the least this interest that Coach Richards struck in Government

and politics at such a young age has stuck with me throughout my life. To inspire and drive students

to achieve more is the mark of a great teacher, I can speak for myself in saying that this man truly

inspired me to always be aware of what is going on, and always search for the truth no matter what is
