Submitted by: Submitted by u192986
Views: 865
Words: 1077
Pages: 5
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 09/18/2010 11:54 AM
Environmental Case Analysis
Global warming is the gradual increase in global temperatures caused by the emission of gases that trap the sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Gases that contribute to global warming include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and halocarbons (the replacements for CFCs). The carbon dioxide emissions are primarily caused by the use of fossil fuels for energy (, 2007). It is a very serious issue that needs more attention. The case study entitled, The Litany Of Disaster, talks about global warming as of today. It explains the process of global warming and how it is affecting the environment at this present time. It is sad to say that some people do not believe in global warming. However, reading this case study could really change a person’s mind.
The case study, The Litany Of Disaster, goes into more detail about what to expect during the global warming process. From the warming alone, we can expect flooded coastal areas due to melting glaciers and an increase in ocean volume not only from the addition of fresh water but also because water expands as it gets warmer (Choly, Dillingham, & Newton, 2006). What a lot of people do not realize is that when cities cut down trees to pave more roads and build more buildings, the city is more susceptible of floods. When the trees that attach the soil are gone, the rest of the organic matter goes to. The next heavy rain simply drains down the slopes where the trees once stood with nothing to absorb or stop it and this causes floods. As seen on newscasts, flooding can lead to serious issues leaving residents homeless, closed businesses and room for diseases from contaminated waters.
There can also be an increase in tropical diseases in temperate zones due to migration of insect vectors. Species can also become extinct due to changes to their habitats. Although we have no way of knowing the exact cause, frog populations are declining in Costa Rica, 59...