Submitted by: Submitted by sharmela
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Words: 774
Pages: 4
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 03/16/2014 10:15 PM
SYLLABUS Professor: Mark R. Palermo, Esq. Office: HH 314E Telephone: 631.632.7177 14 SESSIONS Hours: TBD E-Mail: CLASS HOURS: M/W 4:00 – 5:20
Course Description: This course provides an understanding of the nature of law and its role in business and surveys some of the regulatory issues faced by businesses. The law of business contracts will be examined in depth. Other topics include property rights, bailments, and agency concepts, business organizations, securities law and regulation, and laws and regulations impacting technology development. The course requires case analysis, problem solving, development of critical thinking skills, and oral and written communication. Text: Business Law 4E by James F. Morgan. BVT Publishing Learning Objectives: Oral and written communications: Prepare and deliver a coherent and persuasive presentation about ten minutes long and a written report about five pages long. Critical thinking, problem solving and decision making: Analyze a complex business issue and identify realistic solutions, communicating the findings in a written case with appropriate supporting material (e.g. demonstrate the ability to analyze data, use charts and figures and understand financial statements). Ethics and corporate social responsibility: Analyze an issue from legal, ethical, and socially responsible perspectives and recommend appropriate actions for a practical business situation, described in a written case. Structure: This course will be a lecture based presentation with discussion expected from all participants. Topics are arranged in terms of weeks. Each topic set will have assigned chapters for reading as scheduled below. In addition there will be cases assigned for students to work on and submit with the assignments being posted on Blackboard. Assignments will include some topical research, written case work, and quizzes. Reading assignments for the Semester are as follows:...