Ibm Case Study

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Date Submitted: 11/26/2010 10:18 AM

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Case Study:

Challenge • Build a supply chain that can sense and respond to changes in customer demand and available supply and support IBM’s on-demand business model

Solution • E2open solutions provide IBM and its multiple tiers of suppliers with a consolidated view of demand and available supply. IBM is able to proactively manage demandsupply execution, inventory, and replenishment across its global supply chain


IBM Uses E2open to Support Its On-Demand Business Model

IBM aims to practice what it preaches. The company’s early support of fully automated processes—such as order management, service requests and OEM manufacturing work orders—has served to improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiencies. And over the years the company has remained committed to continuous improvement through the intelligent application of new technologies, becoming a model for a fully automated enterprise using the most advanced supply chain solutions and practices. Company Profile • The world’s largest provider of computer products and services, IBM makes mainframes and servers, storage systems and peripherals IBM defines the next level of business process efficiency as an on-demand model: “An enterprise whose business processes can respond with speed to any customer demand, market opportunity or external threat.” This model requires seamless end-to-end integration of internal business systems within IBM and extending into the business systems of key partners, suppliers and customers. IBM also realized that a unified on-demand system—one able to sense and respond with speed and accuracy to changes in customer demand—was an essential requirement for creating a faster, leaner and more efficient enterprise. And this system would have to support both demand/supply synchronization and full visibility into complex supply...