Cmst 301 Final Examination

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CMST 301 Final Examination

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CMST 301 Final Examination

CMST 301: Digital Media and Society

Essay Questions: 20 points each (Essay responses must be 200-400 words, this

does not include quoted material.)

1. Compare and contrast a specific company’s advertisement from 20-30

years ago with today. What has changed? How has digital media impacted

their advertising? Include URL of advertisements.

2. Research a current event (news or political) and give a summary and

analysis of digital media’s impact. Event must be recent (no later than

January 2016)

3. Choose one of the TED Talks that was assigned in the “Read/Watch”

section each week. What was significant about this video? Give an

example that supports the information discussed in the video. In your

opinion, what impact could the information discussed have on society?

Essay Questions: 10 points each (Essay responses must be 100-200 words, this

does not include quoted material.)

1. Week 2 covered Communication Theory and content delivery. Provide an

example of a company, individual or organization that has successfully used

digital media for communication. Explain why they were successful and

what they effectively communicated. Include an example of their

communication (Tweet, Video, Infographic, etc) Cite resources.

2. Give a brief explanation of E commerce. What are some security concerns

that the public should be aware of? List and explain at least two.

3. Choose and evaluate information found through digital media. This can be

a website, video, infographic, etc. List the URL, embed if you can, and

explain the steps you used to evaluate.

4. Give an example of participatory media and use this example to explain

advantages and disadvantages of participatory media.