Animals and Their Habits

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 05/02/2011 09:53 AM

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By: Seymour Simon

This book is mostly about animals that very few people like. Some people might like some of the animals in this but I liked a couple of the animals like the coyote and the man-of-war.

Some of the animals were creepy to me like the bat and the wasp. People might think that some of the animals in this book are dangerous and gross. I do agree but some are more gross than the ones in this book.

I am putting some of the more interesting animal pictures in my report so you will know what types of animals were fun to learn about.

5 facts I learned:

1. Did you know that the man-of-war has thousands of stingers that can harm a person.

2. Coyotes eat mice and rabbits that eat the grass which sheep need.

3. Wasps are flying stinging insects that are also called yellow jackets.

4. Did you know that the in the 1300's rats spread the Bubonic plague which killed more than 25 million people.

5. Did you know some people think that bats are blind because they fly back and forth so strangely. They are not blind.


I would recommend this book because it has a lot of good facts about animals that people might need to know someday.

I also liked the photos in the book of each animal like the devil ray. The animal I loved the most out of all of them was the coyote.

I would recommend this book to kids because they could learn the right facts about the animals in this book.