Submitted by: Submitted by devindra1
Views: 405
Words: 8198
Pages: 33
Category: Other Topics
Date Submitted: 08/11/2011 02:22 AM
1 Retributivism
1 Individual
2 Sense of just deserts
1 US v. Bergman – doctor convicted of defrauding a nursing home. Court would not let him have a punishment of philanthropic work, though this would help society more, because he “deserved” some punishment, and doing what he already liked doing wouldn’t be punishment.
3 Backward-looking
4 Ideas of self-restraint, the inability for a society to function if some give in to their animal instincts
5 Not for the victims only, but an expression of societal condemnation?
2 Utilitarianism
1 Balance – pleasure/pain calculation (from Bentham)
1 Criminals calculate
2 Society calculates
1 US v.Johnson – woman convicted a crime, but had a stable home for 4? Children. Court punished her to house arrest, as they did not want 4 innocents to suffer for 1 person’s crime.
2 Forward-looking; used to improve society
3 Deterrence
1 Criminals rationally calculate - If threat of pain is greater than possible pleasure, they won’t act (Bentham, Posner)
1 US v. Bergman – doctor defrauded nursing home patients. Gave him a sentence to deter other greedy folks, though it recognized that he probably wouldn’t try to do it again and was not a danger to anyone..
2 If violence is inherently irrational, then they won’t calculate (Gilligan)
3 Punishment must fit the crime.
1 If the punishment is too great, then it will deter rational innocent actors for anything associated with the activity, even legal action.
2 That is cost on society that is greater than the benefit of deterring criminals.
4 Certainty is better than severity
1 As important to appear effective as to be effective
2 Increasing severity too much may decrease percentage of convictions
5 Use of stigma as a deterrent
1 Effective
2 Goes against the democratic concept of allowing courts to determine (and regulate) punishment
4 Incapacitation
1 Society is better if the...