Submitted by: Submitted by sharlindap
Views: 709
Words: 1425
Pages: 6
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 05/08/2012 02:52 PM
Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing
Sharlinda L. Phillips, Monica Trimuel, Justin Taggart, Rodrick Hester
OPS 571
March 28, 2012
Ben Olmos
Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing
Riordan Manufacturing is a global manufacturer of plastics with earnings of $46 million dollar per year. Recently, Riordan has decided to review strategic plan and how they design electric fans to stay competitive and sustain growth in the near future. In this assignment, we will discuss strategic capacity planning and lean production for the new process design, as well as supply chain process for the electric fans.
Strategic capacity planning
Within an expansion in a manufacturing company, the strategic capacity planning provides the necessary logistics in the timing and output of the product. The strategic capacity planning offers the approach in determining the resources essential to maximize production with minimal loss (Chauhan, Nagi, & Proth, 2004). Those resources that factor into the strategic capacity planning include the employees, equipment, facilities, and time duration. Subsequently, the strategic capacity planning of a manufacturing company requires a consistent analysis to ensure it produces at its best operating level. For that reason, Riordan Manufacturing devises a strategic capacity plan to utilize in the manufacturing of electric fans in Hangzhou, China.
Riordan Manufacturing’s strategic capacity planning outlines the company’s mission statement, objectives, initiatives, performance processes, and the strategies to achieve the intended results in the Hangzhou, China. Ensuring the mission and objectives of Riordan Manufacturing are familiar to its employees present the company’s commitment to the consumer in producing the electric fans in Hangzhou, China. Besides Hangzhou, China stance as being an excellent location for mass production of the electric fans, the number of facilities and the required equipment needed to produce...