Submitted by: Submitted by giants68
Views: 691
Words: 667
Pages: 3
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 03/30/2009 09:05 AM
Personal Communications Report
Dennis Giannetti
Let me get what I would consider my strengths out of the way first since there are only a few of them. In regards to my verbal skills, I have been told that I have the “gift of gab”. I am not sure what that means exactly, but I think it means that I communicate to others in a way that is not intimidating. I know that I have spoken to people before and have been intimidated by them, so, maybe this “gift” is a good thing! I can also share with you that I have been told, on numerous occasions, that I am a very good listener. Evidently, I am able to comfort people by the way I “listen” to whatever they have to say. I pride myself on the fact that I go into any conversation knowing that there are always two sides to every story and my side may not be the right one! It is my belief that if a person takes a logical approach, instead of an emotional one, to communicating with another person, the outcome will be reasonable an amicable to both parties. Just a thought!
My nonverbal skills are a little more difficult as I am not sure what, if any, my strengths are. If I had to say something was a strength, I would probably say that I can usually get my point across without confusing the reader of my writing. I can’t tell you how many times I have been the recipient of an email, IM or document where I have no ideal what the writer is trying to say! When I write, I try to put myself “in the shoes” of the reader. This practice typically results in me NOT having to re-write the same thing a second or third time. In this day of instant, electronic communication this seems to be a more and more prevalent trait as it results in efficient communication.
My weaknesses are to numerous to count but, I will give you some of the more obvious ones. I often have a difficult time transferring my thoughts from my brain to a piece of paper or into a computer. I think that this is probably a very common problem for almost...