Urban Agriculture

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Words: 1390

Pages: 6

Category: Philosophy and Psychology

Date Submitted: 04/24/2012 05:39 AM

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National investigation shows that at least 25% of urban household is classed as poor. In order to deal with this problem quickly there must be economic strategies that can address quickly the needs of South Africa’s poor. In terms of development urban agriculture is seen as having some positive attributes.

Urban agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in, or around, a village, town or city.Urban agriculture is seen as enhancing food security and providing income and employment for both poor and middle income dwellers. It also contributes in protecting the ecological sound of urban environment. It provides access to food and provides income and employment and quality good food at lower cost. For middle income families it can offer an opportunity of savings and return in investment from urban property. Urban agriculture strengthens the economic development. In terms of urban ecology, urban agriculture gives environmental awareness, for example by re-educating people about the ecological base of food production and about the linkages of food production to natural food chains. It lowers the cost and increases the availability of fresh vegetables and other perishable crops. Woman with lower income benefit from urban development by combining their multiple roles in subsistence, production and environmental management. For disadvantaged group such as household headed by woman, elderly, youth without jobs, disabled people and so on another advantage of urban agriculture is to integrate them with access to urban network and give them a decent chance of livelihood.

Some benefits of urban agriculture socially is that it helps bring families and communities together by working toward a common goal that will be beneficial for all ,it gives direct links to food production ,creates better living environment by greening up the city and making it more productive, makes people stronger by putting their food security...