Eth 316 Week 1 Individual Assignment

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Date Submitted: 06/26/2013 09:32 AM

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Theories are formed to display different beliefs, most of the time people agree with a portion of different beliefs rather than the entire concept. Theories are often used to put characters into perspective or to help people figure out who they are and where they belong. The virtue theory, the utilitarianism theory and deontological theory have similarity and differences. These theories also address ethics and morality differently, which makes it more of a challenge to decide which one to go with.

Individual Ethics Essay


February 23, 2012

Theories are formed to display different beliefs, most of the time people agree with a portion of different beliefs rather than the entire concept. Theories are often used to put characters into perspective or to help people figure out who they are and where they belong. The virtue theory, the utilitarianism theory and deontological theory have similarity and differences. These theories also address ethics and morality differently, which makes it more of a challenge to decide which one to go with.

Virtue ethics theory stands on the position that “we become good when we cultivate excellence (virtue) by pursuing the moderate course between excess and defect” (Boylan, 2009). This theory address ethics by challenging whether or not we judge a person by their actions rather than their character. Ethically people are judged by their actions because there are consequences for those actions. Morally people are judged by their character because it shows the base on which a person is formed. The problem with this theory is a person’s ethics will constantly fight with his/her morals trying to decide what is more important.

Utilitarianism theory “suggests that an action is morally right when that action produces more total utility for the group as a consequence than any other alternative does” (Boylan, 2009). Morals teach us to put ourselves last because sacrifice is one of...