Critical Early Learning

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Kristal Bailey

November 10, 2013

Critical- Period Hypothesis

Early education and optimal learning

The human psyche is an amazing thing. It is extremely impressionable, and, if molded from a certain age, can develop behavioral patterns that are so rhythmic, they can almost appear innate. Given this theory, it seems that if parents begin educational grooming at an early stage, for example, reading to their child in the womb, it is possible to ensure optimal intellectual and social success.

Early childhood is a critical period for learning because children have no pre-existing knowledge or bias, so they are learning with a clean slate. Because of this, parents can introduce their children to things like classical music and art, or even learning multiple languages, helping them develop an affinity for such things at a young age. For example, a child growing up in a family where two languages are spoken, might more readily absorb and become proficient in both languages. He may now have an advantage over a child who begins to learn a secondary language later on in life.

Behavioral influences are also more easily absorbed during childhood, making it an opportune time to teach children social skills and people relations. As children grow, there are certain learned behaviors that develop. For example, if you were raised in a household where interracial marriage was frowned upon, you might adopt those beliefs as well. The same thing can be said for religious beliefs. However, there can be instances where, as children grow, they develop other ideas, and can rebel against the behaviors that were taught to them from childhood. This rejection can often be attributed to them branching out from the family circle, and adapting learned behaviors from peers at school, church or even the playground.

It is clear that family life plays a crucial role in the early education of a child during those optimal years. However, as touched upon in the previous paragraph, children do...