Disruptions in the Classroom

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Date Submitted: 11/10/2014 07:19 AM

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As teachers there are many things that could cause disruptions in the classroom. While there are some things that you can prepare for, there are others that might arise without prior knowledge. When these situations happen you have to make sure that you are prepared and have a plan to help get through these disruptions. One disruption that could affect the class would be a fire drill. While drills are usually planned there are times when they might occur without knowing. To get through this situation I would make sure that my students followed the rules just like any other fire drill. Once we came back inside from the drill I would encourage then to continue working on what they were doing before we were interrupted. Another situation that could occur would be unexpected visitors to the class. When others enter the room that are usually not there students tend to become off task. I would handle this situation by making sure that the visitors are welcomed and letting the students know that even if someone new is in the class they should still be following all the rules as usual. As teachers to avoid as little disruption as possible we have to make sure that we are prepared before class starts. This way if there is some type of disruption you will at least have your lesson prepared for the day. Another way of handling disruption is staying positive in any situation that might occur. In conclusion there are many types of situations that could arise and cause disruptions in the classroom. As teachers we have to make sure that we a prepared to handle situations and that the students can still learn what they need to.


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