Submitted by: Submitted by nusratidealeva
Views: 1248
Words: 4328
Pages: 18
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 06/21/2011 09:12 AM
Term Paper
Prepared For:
MD.Shariat Ullah
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
East West University
Prepared By:
Irfan Hassan ID#2005-1-15-013
Tanjina Jesmin ID#2005-3-10-065
Afia Ferdous ID#2005-1-13-016
Sec: 5
Date of submission: 05-12-07
As a mandatory requirement of the “Principles of Human Resource Management Course this report paper is prepared on “Square Pharmaceuticals”. Gathering the information was bit difficult task but this type of report writing is helpful for our practical Knowledge.
We would like to thank our instructor Shariat Ullah, for his kind support, guidance and help in preparing the report. In doing the report we have also got help from our HRM-301(Principles of Human Resource Management) course and the required text of the course ‘Personnel Management’ by David A. Decenzo/Stephen P. Robbins. It never would have been possible to prepare this Human Resour ce report paper at this stage without his consultation and assistance.
Letter of transmittal
December 05, 2007
MD.Shariat Ullah
East West University
43, Mohakhali C/A
Dhaka - 1212
Dear Sir:
We have prepared a report paper on “Square Pharmaceuticals” that you authorized us to prepare for the partial fulfillment of our HRM-301course requirement. We have tried our best to follow your guidelines in every aspect of preparing this report. We have collected what we believed to be the most relevant information to make this report as consistent as possible.
We enjoyed preparing this report because it provided us an opportunity to increase our understanding of basic Human Resource Management concepts and practice. We feel certain that this experience will help us in our professional life. We appreciate this opportunity to prepare this report. We will be happy to answer any questions on this subject.
Thank you,...