Myth in Homosexuality

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Category: English Composition

Date Submitted: 10/21/2012 05:42 PM

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Homosexuality in Myth

A myth is a story used to convey a meaning or a lesson. It is known throughout an entire culture, and is believed by most, if not all, people. When talking about a myth, it is important to explain what a myth is, and also, what it is not. A myth is not a lie, a fable, or a tall tale. It is a story created with truth to enlighten a culture. According to William Doty, “myth is a term used for a narrative generally regarded by the community in which it is told as both sacred and true.” (Doty 14). Explaining myths, though, is not that simple. There are many definitions, ranging from the simple, “a myth is a story,” to, “myths are complex narratives… by which human cultures stabilize and encode their deepest ambiguities.” (Doty 13). A myth can give reason to something that was otherwise unexplainable. Myths were used by the ancient Greeks to explain that the sun would rise and fall every day because of the god Helios driving his fiery chariot across the sky. The reason the world is filled with corruption, according to another myth, is because Pandora opened the box given to her by Zeus. However, the specific myth of Theseus and the homosexuality within should matter today because the Western attitudes towards homosexuality would be changed, and the world would be a better place.

Though myths are generally used to delve into a deeper understanding of the world, myths can be used for simpler, less complex ideas. Doty said, “a member of society has to be taught attitudes.” (27). In ancient Greece, attitudes of pederasty were taught to be acceptable from a young age, and the Greeks were raised to believe homosexual relations to be normal. Pederasty is the act of an older man, otherwise known as the erastes, would court a younger boy (usually between the ages of 12-17), otherwise known as the eromenos (Dolen). This practice most likely started among the Dorians, and was slowly spread throughout Greece. Being told from a young age, the Greeks...