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Category: US History

Date Submitted: 01/27/2013 05:06 PM

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Reasons for European exploration: GGGS 

Colony: first permanent colony: Jamestown 

Colony: place for catholics: Maryland 

Colony: place for debters: Georgia

Colony: home of quakers: Pennsylvania 

Colony: advocated for separation of church and state: Rhode Island

Distributing land for settlers: headright system 

Land bridge: Beringia 

Power by acquiring goods: mercantilism 

Nation has to export more than import: Balance of trade 

World operates through fixed math laws: Newton 

Religious revivalists: Edwards, whitefield 

Enlightment thinker: John Locke 

Accused of libel: Zinger

Propagandist: Samuel Adams 

Contract workers: Endentured servants

War between French and brits: French and Indian war

Brit prime minister: William Pitt

Act or law: forbade American from crossing west: Proclomation Act 

Act or law: after boston tea party: intolerable act

Nonimportation: Boycott 

First site of armed attack: Lexington and concord 

Wrote dec. of independence: Jefferson 

Revolutionary war: Saratoga 

Wrote common sense: Thomas Paine 

2nd continental congress: decision makers 

Treaty of paris: Mississippi 

General of continental army: Washington 

Interprets law: Judicial 

Plan or compromise: NJ plan

Enforces law: Executive 

1st form of gov: articles of confederation 

Shays rebellion: creditors vs debtors 

Political party: Anti federalists 

Essays written (85) : federalist papers

1st political party (strong nat. gov): federalists 

1st 10 amendments : bill of rights 

Responsibility of the candidate: advise the president 

Alien and sedition act: John Adams 

National bank: Hamilton 

Chief justice: Marshall 

President over Louisiana purchase: Jefferson

Warned European contries: Monroe 

Inventor of cotton gin: Eli Whitney 

Act or compromise: way of preserving balance: Missouri compromise

Wrote of new Orleans: Andrew Jackson 

Young congressman: War hawks 

War of 1812: Madison 

1824 election: Corruption 

1st president from west: Jackson ...