Physical Worksheet

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Physical Fitness Worksheet

Being physically fit is an important aspect of obtaining optimal health. Becoming knowledgeable about what it means to be physically fit may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness.

In this worksheet, you identify the five components of health related fitness. Completing this assignment is a step towards gaining the knowledge needed to better manage your physical fitness.

Five Components of Health Related Fitness Table

Complete the table below. The first row has been filled in for you as an example.

|Components of Physical Fitness |Description |How to Incorporate in Your |Benefit(s) |

| | |Life | |

|Cardiorespiratory Fitness |Being able to exercise at a |Walk 2 miles at a brisk |Reduced the risk of heart |

| |moderate to high intensity for a|pace every day. |disease, hypertension, and high |

| |long period of time | |cholesterol. |

|Muscular Strength |Being able to use my muscles to |I can garden, dance or |Improved performance of physical|

| |create an amount of force. |carry groceries daily. |activities |

| | | |Injury prevention |

| | | |Improved body composition |

|Muscular Endurance |Having the ability to use my |I can march in place, do |Enhanced self-image and quality |
