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Introducing Android

The mobile opportunities community istheir tipping point.more functionality. Mobile development at a Mobile users demand more choice, more to customize phones, and

operators want to provide value-added content to their subscribers in a manageable and lucrative way. Mobile developers want the freedom to develop the powerful mobile applications users demand with minimal roadblocks to success. Finally, handset manufacturers want a stable, secure, and affordable platform to power their devices. Upuntil now single mobile platform has adequately addressed the needs of all the parties. Enter Android, which is a potential game-changer for the mobile development community. An innovative and open platform, Android is well positioned to address the growing needs of the mobile marketplace. This chapter explains what Android is, how and why it was developed, and where the platform fits in to the established mobile marketplace.

A Brief History of Mobile Software Development

To understand what makes Android so compelling, we must examine how mobile development has evolved and how Android differs from competing platforms.

Way Back When

Remember way back when a phone was just a phone? When we relied on fixed landlines? When we ran for the phone instead of pulling it out of our pocket? When we lost our friends at a crowded ballgame and waited around for hours hoping to reunite? When we forgot the grocery list (Figure 1.1) and had to find a payphone or drive back home again? Those days are long gone.Today, commonplace problems like these are easily solved with a one-button speed dial or a simple text message like “WRU?” or “20?” or “Milk and?”


Chapter 1 Introducing Android

Figure 1.1

Mobile phones have become a crucial shopping accessory.

Our mobile phones keep us safe and connected. Nowadays, we roam around freely, relying on our phones not only to keep in touch with friends, family, and coworkers, but also to tell us where to go,...