Never Eat Alone

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Category: Literature

Date Submitted: 02/16/2014 01:37 PM

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• The Mind Set

o Becoming a member of the club

 Where are the places you go to meet the kind of people who could most impact your life?

 Nothing came close to the impact of mentors

 The real networking was about finding ways to make other people more successful

o Don't Keep Score

 Until you become as willing to ask for help as you are to give it, however, you are only working half the equation

 Where employees once found generosity and loyalty in the companies we worked for, today we must find them in a web of our own relationships

 He thought of relationships as finite, like a pie that can only be cut into so many pieces. Take a piece away and there was that much less for him. I knew however that relationship are more like muscles, the more you work them, the stronger they become

o Not "how can you help me?" but "how can I help you?"

o Relationships are solidified by trust

o Bottom line: it's better to give before you receive. And never keep score. If your interactions are ruled by generosity your rewards will follow suit.

• What's your Mission

o "would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, said the Cat. "I don't much care where" said Alice "Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat

o The more specific you are about what you want to do, the easier it becomes to develop a strategy to accomplish it.

o Key is to make a setting goals a habit. If you do that, goal setting becomes a part of your life. If you don't it withers and dies.

o Step one: find your passion

o A goal is a dream with a deadline

o Look inside

 Important about conducting an internal review is to do so without constraints, doubts, fears, and expectations of what you "should" be doing

 Dreams and goals (make list)

 All the things that bring me joy and pleasure, the achievements, people, and things that move me

o Look outside

 Ask the people who know you best what they think your...