Personal Responsibility

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Date Submitted: 02/27/2014 06:10 AM

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Personal Responsibility

As noted by President Obama, “if you want to succeed, you must commit to three things. First, you must take a personal responsibility for your success.”(2009). Personal responsibility plays a big role in being successful in your short term or long-term goals. Being able to make the right decisions and be a good leader sounds easier said than done then. Students are obligated to possess personal responsibility in their course work; this is a difficult task to overcome if one is fresh out of high school where the norm is for teachers and coaches to take control to help guide students in the path to obtain a degree. This has been a difficult obstacle for me to overcome in college and now with me attending online courses rather than a classroom setting I must create a plan of action to assure I overcome this obstacle. I plan on incorporating good study habits, communicating, Staying informed and setting detailed schedules in my education to be able to complete my degree plan in a timely manner.

Since toddler years we have been building for the moment we may become independent and face the many challenges we may encounter in the real world. Many people in our lives teach us personal responsibility without them having to say so, for example, as a child a guardian may stress the need to maintain good grades and enforce certain study habits. If we stick to the study habits set before us as a child it then results in good grades and being rewarded for our accomplishments. Now just as we are thought to make right decisions and how doing the right thing may be rewarding we are also thought the consequences of wrong actions. Using the same example as we get older we realize we are free to make our own decisions many might not focus on the need to study but more on socializing in school or even sports. Distractions like these may show us a negative result on our grades and therefore receiving negative actions varying from failing a grade to...