Evaluating an Event Planner

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Category: English Composition

Date Submitted: 11/24/2014 10:24 AM

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Evaluating an Event Planner 2

Scores of people around the globe long before our time and even now a day is faced with many tasks in life. With almost everything to our disposal in this modern age I would think that people will plan an event with the mindset that they will be saving money and time. The contrary is that self planned events are almost always very expensive and tiresome. I supposed it is best to hire the service of an inclusive event planner, thus, know how are event planners, what is event planning and why do people hire event planners is pivotal to choosing one.

Event planners can be traced back to the very first event in history. Individuals or group of individuals had to plan their events. Taking a look at history the presidents, pharaohs, kings and queens had someone responsible for banquets, ball, ceremonies and religious events. Throughout time we can find this being done in many different cultures, but the question here is who event planners are? “Event planners are often people who got their start in one particular aspect of special event” (Moran, 2004, p. 115). Anyone interested in becoming an event planner should begin the path by understanding that it is not party planning. This is the case whether you are considering a path with social or corporate event. “The final program may appear as if the profession is about throwing great parties, but the event planning professional focuses on the rationale or goal of having an event, and whether it is achieved” (Hard, 2008). Although the backgrounds of event planners may vary greatly, event planners share many traits. Accordingly, “these are the traits many event planners have in common; organizational ability, attention to detail, a stout heart, nerves of steel, decision-making ability, creativity, good communication skills and a liking for people” (Moran, 2004, p. 267). Contingent to hiring an event planner, it is

Evaluating an Event Planner 3

advisable and important to know if...