Unit 6 Seminar Make-Up Seminar

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Date Submitted: 07/01/2013 12:39 PM

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Unit 6 seminar make up

Hello Prof. I’m submitting the make- up seminar to receive all my points, because my attendance was not too good because I was sick.

The topic for Unit 6 seminar was statuary rape. The elements and proof requirements of various crimes against persons, including criminal sexual assault, assault and battery, kidnapping, and false imprisonment.

The first part of the seminar was how you can receive all your points for Discussion, Seminar and the Quiz. In the Quiz you should have no problems receiving all the points because you can retake it over and over again and that is so true.

The next topic was about the requirements about the discussion board and what the Syllabus requires. Three post in three separate days. I absolutely love the discussion boards. Follow instruction and everybody will be okay.

We started with Crimes against a Person

!. Freedom from sexual violations- Rape and sexual assault

2. Protection against the threat and infliction of bodily harm- Assault and Battery

3. Freedom of Movement- Kidnapping and False Imprisonment

The Common Law how rape used to be

The Elements;

1. Immediate Complaint- lack thereof was considered

2. Corroboration Rule

3. Victim’s sexual activity – could be considered

4. Judicial Instruction- Jury instructed to be cautious because rape is easily charged and difficult to prove

The Rape Reform;

Rape is Criminal sexual assault

The immediate complaint= Gone- not required anymore

Corruption Rule = Gone- not required anymore

Rape Shield Laws – Generally keeps out victim sexual past

You have three years to come forward about your rape case, but most women’s think they get shunned by society. If you have no medical evidence there is no crime.

The reason why Rape Shield Laws were created

Harassment- prevents harassment on cross examinations and argument

Relevance- Distract from real issues

Prejudices- Juror biased against the accused

Complaints- may deter future...