Risk Behaviour in Adolscents

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Category: Philosophy and Psychology

Date Submitted: 09/28/2014 02:41 AM

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Risk Behaviour in South African Adolescents with regards to HIV/AIDS


In South Africa today HIV/AIDS is a pandemic that has affected people in almost every area of the country. Millions of people have died from this viral disease and even more are currently infected, however this being said the disease is preventable and yet has not been eradicated; this is partly due to the risk behaviour in society, especially amongst the adolescents of the country. Factors such as education, or lack thereof, substance abuse and gender roles contribute greatly to the spreading of this lethal and infectious disease but with the intervention of psychology further contagion can be prevented.


Firstly the level of education has a huge influence on high risk behaviour in adolescents. Teenagers who are educated in how HIV/AIDS is transmitted, such as through unprotected sex, are less likely to contract the disease as they can take necessary precautions once they are aware of the consequences. Furthermore youths in school have a more optimistic view on life and are more likely to eventually be socially and economically stable this leads to less risky behaviour, compared to children who drop out of school at a young age. According to Chalton & Flisher (1995 p149) teenagers “still attending school were less likely to abuse substances and to have had sexual intercourse.” Thus it is shown that a lack of education can lead to risky behaviour amongst juveniles and evidently lead to teenagers becoming infected with HIV/AIDS.

Substances Abuse

Secondly the abuse of dangerous substances is directly linked to risk behaviour and can also lead to infection with HIV/AIDS, as the disease can be transferred through infected needles. Although there are many causes and circumstances that result in substance abuse, and thus spreading of HIV/AIDS, a main factor for adolescents is peer pressure and an individual’s social situation. Where teenagers live and the people they are...