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Category: Literature
Date Submitted: 01/08/2011 12:56 AM
Rizal’s Life
and Works
Alyssa C. Illarina Nov. 20,2007
1st year Research # 1
I. Identification
1.1 Hispanization - is the process by which a place or a person absorbs characteristics of Hispanic society and culture. Hispanization of a place is illustrated by, but not limited to, Mexican restaurants, tortilla factories, panaderias (bakeries), taquerias (taco restaurants); Spanish language churches, newspapers, radio stations, as well as specialty music stores, clothing stores, and nightclubs. Hispanization of a person is illustrated by, but not limited to, speaking Spanish, making and eating Latin food, listening to Spanish language music, dressing in Santa Fe style or other Hispanic styles, and participating in Hispanic festivals and holidays.
1.2 Expansionism - consists of expansionist policies. While some have linked the term to promoting economic growth (in contrast to no growth / sustainable policies), more commonly expansionism refers to the doctrine of a nation's expanding its territorial base (or economic influence) usually by means of military aggression. Compare empire-building and Lebensraum.
Irredentism, revanchism or reunification are sometimes used to justify and legitimize expansionism, but only when the explicit goal is to reconquer territories that have been lost, or even to take over ancestral lands. A simple territorial dispute, such as a border dispute, is not usually referred to as expansionism.
1.3 Acculturation - is the psychological and social counterpart of cultural diffusion. Originally "acculturation" referred to the colonial racist idea that so-called "savages" and "lower peoples" experience mental evolution when they imitate so-called "civilized" or "higher peoples" (Powell, 1883). However, anthropologist Franz Boas (1888, pp. 631-632) argued that all people acculturate, not only "savages" and minorities: "It is not too much to say that there is no people whose customs have developed uninfluenced by...