Mba 560

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Words: 1018

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 06/05/2008 08:51 PM

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Task A: Problem/Opportunity Statement

• TeraTech needs to develop a new product to maintain a competitive advantage, ensure future profitability and reach satisfactory customer service levels to enable TeraTech to stay a dominant factor in the pharmaceutical industry.

• TeraTech will remain competitive in the industry by developing new technology, organizing internally to meet new demands while developing marketing strategies for current and future products to better serve consumers

Response to Task A:

Microsoft (Successful)

For a CRM solutions provider to sustain growth, it is essential that CRM software solutions are easy to use and flexible. They must successfully bridge gaps between companies and customers.” (Moore, 2006). Making sure the systems are easy to use will ensure customer satisfaction with the system. TeraTech needs a system that is customer friendly. If the system bridges gaps between the company and the customers, then the system should be a success. The system should also be kept up-to-date to make sure that there is no repetitive behavior in sales.

Starbucks Coffee (Successful)

Starbucks is a very profitable organization. The company had an earning in excess of $600 million in 2004. Starbucks has a reputation for new product development and creativity. This constant (product development) is a weakness for the company. The profits are strength for the company (Berry, 2005). In a SWOT analysis there is an opportunity for Starbucks to develop new products and services that can be retailed in small cafes’. However, there is a threat to the company. Starbucks is exposed to the rise in the cost of coffee and dairy products. Reflecting on this research of Starbucks, an alternative solution for TeraTech would be to perform a SWOT analysis. The company can then assess what its weaknesses are and measures would be used to strengthen the weaknesses.

UCLA and Stanford (Successful)

Several schools have understood the...