Bi Weekly

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Category: US History

Date Submitted: 08/28/2011 09:21 PM

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What are some of the similarities and differences in practices of self-determination of Africans in the U.S. and their counterparts throughout the hemisphere?

John H Johnson once said “everything you do in your life was made possible by someone else’s sacrifice.” This quote relates to the Africans that suffered from the injustice of slavery. Because of the sacrifices they made they were able to preserve their culture and use such as their means to resist. This being said Africa is the place where the oldest human remains were found Dignesh, dating her remains back 3.5 million years, therefore making it the origin of humankind. From early beginning of time Africans used their difference to fight one another rather than making it the solid thing that united them in the 18th and 19th century however African began to realize that if they wanted to overcome enslavement they would have to overcome the dominating social structure.

To begin answering this question I will use the information provided during lectures as well as the readings. Through the Atlas of American History and Politics and Black Movements in America by Cedric Robinson and of course though exceptional lecture from class allowing me to compile notes that helped me answer this second framing question. This week’s bi-weekly essay expands upon the notes from Dr. Carr’s lectures particularly the human social organization with the seven levels that represents the size of the population essentially the size has a direct relationship between their amount of influence over other people and nations.

Moroonage was a common way that the Africans resisted throughout the hemisphere. Maroon is the based from the Spanish word moors. Moroons are small private communities that served as a safe haven for runaway’s slaves and indentured servants, they were fugitive settlements. There has been evidence of at least fifty maroon communities between 1672 and 1864. In North America these maroons were located in...